What to Expect From This Book
his book comes with a completely brand-new scientific and spiritual theory that for the very first time try to explaining the universe, existence, the whole being and even the non-being or nought in scientific terms and manner. Explaining the nature of "being" and existence eventually lead us to comprehend creation and Theology, This involves crucial advantages that everyone, regardless of knowledge and expertise, needs to know. Thus, it required to be written in a way that could be used by people at any level from different areas. The contents of this book needed to be convincing, especially for scientists and boffins who pursue scientific materials very seriously and persistently through academic journals. Therefore, in its place, this book has been written as accurate and serious as scientific articles. On the other hand, this book intrinsically is a multidisciplinary discourse, so various scientific and spiritual disciplines, as well as different religions, are involved in; as a result in various places, you will find this book oscillates between simple and understandable style on the one hand, and scientific and hard to understand on the other. Although the reader may be specialized in one or more specific topics and enjoy the content of those sections deeply, he / she needs to be patient when it comes to other topics. Religious and spiritual debates may not be of much interest to some or, conversely, scientific discourses may not be of interest to others. But the truth is that both views are very vital and necessary to carry out this theory. At the end of the book and in the last segment of the discussion, science and religion are completely merged together and a new super-knowledge is introduced which many people are stranger to; the prominent knowledge of Hermes Trismestigustus in modern language.
Five levels (hierarchy) of understanding are hidden and encoded in this book:
Level 1: Physics'n'Philosopy, the level where the reader understand the unity between Physics and Philosophy disciplines scientifically by means of scientific methods, mathematics and deducting inducting reasoning; in a way can convince physicists and Philosophers.
Level 2: Mind'n'Body, The level where the reader comprehend what "understanding" or "Conceptual Schema or mental modelling" (Johnson Laird theory) or "Metaphor" or "Thought" is itself; and what is its relationship with the computation and its computing machine "the Complexity" (Body) and understand the unity between Mind and Body.
Level 3: I'n'We, The level where the reader understand the unity between Individuality and sociality
Level 4: Abraham'n'Buddha, The Level where the reader understand the unity between of all 5 main religions; the unity in beliefs in general.
Level 5: All'n'None, the Cognition of the only God, The level where the reader understand the nature of All and the nature of nought; and the unity between All and Nought.
On the other hand, this book redefines common terms (words). Terms (words) are symbols for referring to the concepts. Most of the common terms are misinterpreted or superficially comprehended thus such a situation results in misunderstanding. Religions are full of misunderstandings about divine terms and words. This book clears the true meaning of many basic terms. The readers must pay deep attention to the terms; they may look familiar when you start the reading but they are far different when you finish the book. Such a phenomenon necessitates re-reading the book over and over again. Neville Goddard quoted in "Feeling is the Secret book" a key point: "He that would perfect himself in any art whatsoever, let him betake himself to the reading of some sure and certain work upon his art many times over. For to read many books upon your art produces confusion rather than learning". The point here is clear; this book is written for those who are perfecting themselves about understanding art. Let them read the book over and over again. The readers must seek until they find (feel).
The readers also must always keep in mind the Similarity of this book with whole existence and cosmos. (The term Similarity is a major concept of the book.) Such a Similarity necessitates that book has no forward nor backward as the cosmos has neither future nor past. While the readers seriously experience progress or forward in the book and they can detect a kind of obvious trend and advancing format from chapter one to the end; in fact, the book has neither forward nor backward. Every chapter can be considered as a starting point, for understanding the content of each chapter, readers need to understand the whole other chapters. The book has neither beginning nor end.
While the book is too Deep'n'Vast, one must not expect to understand it all; every reader will benefit from this book based on his capacity; some concepts must not only be studied but also be practiced to fully be attained by the reader's mind'n'body in order to form cognition; one must have no expectation to drive a car or an Airplane just by reading its manual. In spite to all that the contents of this book is relatively understandable for everyone, even those who have no special knowledge and only seek the answer to the basic question of who am I and what do I live for? As you read the book, wherever you find a state of being bewildered or unclear in your mind about what’s going on in a chapter, skip it. The basic concepts have been mentioned over and over in different discussions throughout the book. In the last chapter of the book, all the different topics that have been discussed in previous chapters are surprisingly blended and express the essence of the theory of All’n’None.
The main audience of this book primarily are among philosophers, physicists, mathematicians, engineers, cosmologists, programmers, network developers, psychologists, biologists, neurologists, anthropologists, managers of organizations, sociologists, politicians, clerics and missionaries as well as religions from east to west of around the world. For those whom, this is an essential book that they should read and critique with enough energy, patience and serious consideration.
But in the second place, the book is addressed to all human beings. Every individual who has experience of living, from a university professor to high school graduate, although one may not find some of the contents of this book entirely comprehensible, but at the end you might find them to say "I already knew this before" or "I have been familiar with this idea but couldn’t speak my heart out". Give this book to every experienced person from every culture and religion and every level of knowledge, and in the end, you would hear such expressions from him and this is one of the secrets hidden in this book.
Regardless of the reader's knowledge and experience, each time one reads this book it will be a new experience that brings a much more profound meaning to him. Some of the expressions within this book have nested and intertwined meanings, and each time it is read, different layers get clear one after another. Therefore, the author recommends that you read the book at different times and examine with what you find outside the book to get the most out of it. And specially pay attention to X'n'Y phrase. All throughout this book the variables of X and Y that merged together and written as X’n’Y format has meaning beyond X and Y individually. It refers to an identity created from the unity of X and Y; this is where All’n’None comes from.